We continue with this year’s hiking festivals with the second edition of the Ripollès Walking Festival -in collaboration with IDAPA- , a territory that we can enjoy and discover this autumn, with spectacular colors in both beeches and oaks, being movie landscapes! We will know beautiful routes through hidden pools, waterfalls, with some orienteering circuit. Below we can find some of the many experiences proposed by this festival or you can click on the following link :

- DISCOVERY OF THE ULLDETER CIRCUS AND THE OLD SHELTER IN THE CAMPRODON VALLEY (9am) Beautiful circular excursion through the Natural Park of the Capçaleres del Ter and the Freser and discovery of its flora and fauna. We will ascend to the altitude of 2500m to visit the source of the river Ter, passing by the new refuge of Ulldeter and the remains of the Vell, to below Gra de Fajol where we can contemplate the spectacular panoramic landscape of the valley of Camprodon!
- GYMNASIUM FOR THE RIPOLL ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM (7pm) We will enjoy the cultural activity of the hiking festival and discovering the first
ethnography museum in Catalonia in a very special way: through a gymkhana that we can do in a group, family or friends!
SATURDAY October 17:
- FAIRING THE MONTGRONY MOUNTAIN RANGE (9:30 am) An entertaining walk to discover the Montgrony mountain range, the natural boundary between the
Pre-Pyrenees and the High Pyrenees, and a privileged viewpoint of the Capçaleresdel Ter and Freser Natural Park. Ridge excursion with a considerable difference in level, it is necessary to have a good level! - AROUND THE PUIG DE LES TRES CREUS: NATURE ITINERARY AND VISIT TO THE MILL FARINER (4pm) We will make a circular itinerary around the Puig de les Tres Creus in Sant Joan de les Abadesses, identifying different natural habitats: riparian forest, pine groves with under pasture , oak grove and open meadows.

- EXCURSION THROUGH THE SPECTACULAR EQUIPPED ROAD TO THE FRESER VALLEY (9am) In 1907, one of the first hydroelectric power stations in Catalonia was built in the municipality of Queralbs. It is thanks to these canals that were built to capture water, that we can visit with a vertigo excursion, walk over the canal – in some cases secured with a lifeline to ensure our safety. One of the most beautiful experiences to discover one of the most special corners of the Eastern Pyrenees!
- PHOTOTREKKING BETWEEN LLANARS AND VILALLONGA DE TER (10h) We will make a linear route that, despite being between two important villages, is very little traveled. We will discover hidden places among forests and meadows, where we can enjoy phototrekking and photograph the most beautiful landscapes.
This is just a small summary of the main activities of each day, but there are so many more! Below is the promotional video for last year’s area hiking festival.